As a mom of three little ones, getting healthy food on the table is always makes me a total stress case. I love to have fresh fruit, veggies and snacks that are washed, chopped, and ready to grab in the fridge but that doesn't always happen.

My girlfriend told me about Mini Fresh a couple months back and said I should try it out. When I looked into it, I was impressed that a local mom started this baby food delivery service; offering fresh, organic baby foods delivered right to your doorstep. I reached out to see about the difference foods they offered and it turns out Mini Fresh isn't just for babies, but for toddlers and moms too. I am loving their lactation teas a bites for nursing moms! Check out the video for my review and how I use it!

I'm currently on a dairy free diet since all of my children have had either acid reflux or a dairy sensitivity, and this food service offers an array of options for allergies or food sensitivities. The best part is that Mini Fresh delivers food nationwide! 

Be sure to check out my Instagram @modernmoni to see how you can win shop credit to @minifreshofficial for some free meals!