I can't tell you enough how much I loved being a news reporter. Okay maybe this will help, I moved from Hawaii to Arkansas (

yes Arkansas

) in pursuit of it. I lived and breathed story telling, rushing to breaking news, feeling my heart beat out of my chest before going on air. It was a tough thing to give up. I'm sure a lot of moms can relate. What do I do after baby comes? Stay home? Work part time? Find a day care? It's scary stuff. 

My husband was so concerned about me when I chose to stay at home with my daughter. The possibility of losing my identity, my drive, my passion. Whichever kind of mom you are, stay at home, work part time, or full time, I think it is SO important to find something that makes you happy. 

Whether that's getting a mani/pedi, starting a new club sport,or a good bottle of wine with your best girlfriends. While I love girls nights, for me, it was still telling stories, just in a different format, my blog.

I'll be the first to admit I definitely don't know what I'm doing on my blog besides posting things that I enjoy and love in life, so I figured it would be a good idea to have some knowledge and background in blogging from a professional. I just got home late last night from iheartblogshop in Portland; a workshop for entrepreneurs, bloggers and creative types. 

There, I got an overload of inspiration through Photoshop training, mimosas, networking, picture taking, and exploring a new city with incredibly talented new friends.

Take a look at the gorgeous space we worked in!

Tillamook station is a large venue filled with vaulted ceilings, bright-colored yellow and turquoise walls, and gorgeous floral decor! T

hat wall! Love. I don't know who wouldn't feel motivated after spending a day in there!

Here's some of the projects we worked on in photoshop...

Virtual Presents

Mood Boards

Creating Banners

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